The Business Search Directory lets you create YouTube Mashups,
which are presentations that may include Video excerpts, Images, and Text.
You don't have to download any files.

Quick Tour
Multiple Mashups
Share Your Mashups


To demonstrate these features, play the Sample Mashup, which shows two 20-second videos (one pro-Trump, and one pro-Biden), and a sample slide-show presentation.

A YouTube Mashup is created by adding a sequence of Elements (Video excerpts, Images, or Text), which can each be displayed for any number of seconds.

Other video editing apps (such as TikTok or Adobe Premiere Pro) require that you download videos and images before they can be added to your customized presentation. The YouTube Mashup online app does not require that you download anything. Instead, you will enter URL's, so files are read from the internet.

Here are a few types of Mashups that you can create:
  • Video Compilation: Play any portion of any video that is on YouTube, by entering the YouTube Video ID. For example, play Video #1 from 2:00 to 2:30, and Video #2 from 12:15 to 12:25.
  • Slideshow: Display any Image that is on the internet, by entering its URL, and the number of seconds that you want it shown.
  • Text Annotations: Display any text between Video excerpts and Images.

Quick Tour:

The following instructions will demonstrate the features in less than five minutes:
  1. Click the YouTube Mashup tab on your Business Search Directory Administration page. A new, blank Element Grid will be displayed.
    If you already performed this Quick Tour, then click [Create New Mashup] to follow these instructions again.
  2. In the [YouTube Video ID] field, enter "no0MnomPzLw" for a pro-Trump video, or "MDErYGhV9OM" for a pro-Biden video, or any other Video ID that you find at YouTube.
  3. Enter "10" in [Seconds to skip], and "5" in [Seconds to play]. This will cause the video to play from :10 to :15.
  4. Click [Add Element], and a row will be added to the Element Grid. You may click the link under the YouTube Video ID column heading, to view the video on a new tab.
  5. In the yellow-shaded dropdown box (above the Element Grid column headings), change the Element Type from "YouTube Video" to Text.
  6. In the textbox to the right of the yellow-shaded "Text" dropdown box, type "Hello World", and in the [Seconds] field enter "5".
  7. Click [Add Element], and a row will be added to the Element Grid.
  8. At the bottom of the page (below the Element Grid), enter "My Mashup" in the [Description] field, and click [Create Mashup].
  9. A new dropdown box labeled [Current Mashup] will be shown towards the top of the page, with "#1 My Mashup (DEFAULT)" selected.
  10. At the bottom of the page (below the Element Grid), click [Display Mashup], and your Mashup will be shown on a new tab.

Multiple Mashups:

After you have Saved at least one Mashup, the Current Mashup dropdown box is displayed towards the top of the page. You may display and edit any Mashup that you have created by selecting its description from this dropdown box.

Edit Mashup:
To Edit a Mashup that you previously created, select it from the Current Mashup dropdown box. You may then click any Edit button in the rightmost column of the Element Grid.

When an Element has been selected for Editing, you may then change the Element Type and parameters, and click Save Element to retain your changes.

IMPORTANT: After you make any changes to a Mashup, remember to click Save Mashup (at the bottom of the page).

Default Mashup:
You may create multiple Mashups, but only one may be assigned as the Default Mashup. A link to your Default Mashup is displayed on your public profile, and your Default Mashup is initially loaded when you click the YouTube Mashup tab on your Business Search Directory Administration page.

To assign a Mashup as the Default, select it from the Current Mashup dropdown box, and click [Assign as Default Mashup].

Delete Mashup:
To permanently Delete a Mashup, select it from the Current Mashup dropdown box, and click [Delete].

Share Your Mashups:

The Mashup URL is displayed at the bottom of the page immediately after you create a New Mashup, or when you select a Mashup from the Current Mashup dropdown box.

You can copy your Mashup URL from this textbox, and paste it onto your social network pages.