Help Topics for Personal Finance Manager

Accounts and Categories


The Personal Finance Manager is an online program that will manage your income and expenses, by allowing you to assign each Transaction to any Account and Category. You may easily balance your accounts, by marking cleared transactions and comparing the Cleared Balance to your Statement Balance. You may retrieve transactions by any criteria, including: Account, Category, Range of Dates, To/From, and Comment.

The Personal Finance Manager is available to premium subscribers of the following free directories:

Accounts and Categories:

Before entering Transactions, you should first enter your Accounts and Categories on their respective tabs. An Account and Category named Unassigned is automatically created for you, which you may not delete or rename.

Add New Accounts and Categories: Click the [Add New] button at the bottom of the Accounts or Categories tab, and an Account named "New Account" (or Category named "New Category") will appear at the bottom of the list. You should then change the Account or Category Name (and optionally edit its Balance), and click [Save Changes]. If a Category pertains to taxable transactions, then check the Taxable box.

Delete Account or Category: When an Account or Category is Deleted, all Transactions assigned to it are changed to "Unassigned", and its Balance is added to the "Unassigned" Account or Category.

Categories Only Pertain to the Current Year: A Category's Balance is only affected by Transactions that occur in the Current Year (which is selected in the dropdown box on the Transactions tab). When a New Year begins, you should click the [Zero All Category Balances] button (on the Categories tab), and change the Year in the Current Year dropdown box (on the Transactions tab).

IMPORTANT NOTE: A Category or Account Balance may not exceed $9 billion.


Add New Transaction: Click the [Add New Transaction] button at the bottom of the Transaction tab, and a new blank Transaction is added to the bottom of the list, which is initially assigned to the "Unassigned" Account and Category. You should then complete the entry fields at the bottom of the Transaction tab, and click [Save Changes].

Edit Transaction: Click an existing transaction on the grid, and its data will appear in the entry fields at the bottom of the Transaction tab. After you change any of the transaction's data, remember to click [Save Changes].

Delete Transaction: Select an existing transaction (by clicking it on the grid), and then click [Delete Transaction].

Search Transactions: You may Filter the list of transactions that are displayed, by entering Criteria at the top of the Transactions tab. For a Transaction to be displayed, it must meet all the Criteria that is entered into the fields above the grid. To display all Transactions, click [Clear All Criteria]. However, Transactions are only displayed for the Selected Year (as set by the [Current Year] and [Display] dropdown boxes).

The following dropdown boxes will automatically cause a search to be performed when they are changed:
  • [Current Year]
  • [Display] (years)
  • [Account] (above the "Account" heading)
  • [Category]
  • [Tax]
  • [Cleared]

You may also begin a search by pressing [Enter] when the cursor is in the textbox above any of the following headings:
  • [Credit]
  • [Debit]
  • [Check#]
  • [To/From]
  • [Comment]

Here are several other search methods that are available:
  • Range of Dates: If a date is entered into the Low field, then Transactions are retrieved that are on or after that date. If a date is entered into the High field, then Transactions are retrieved that are on or before that date. You may also enter dates into both fields.
  • Less Than or Greater Than: Above the Credit and Debit headings, a dropdown box allows you to select Less Than '<' or Greater Than '>' as criteria for that field. For example, if you select '>' in the dropdown box above the Credit heading, and enter '100' in the textbox next to it, and then click [Perform Search], then Transactions will only be displayed if their Credit amount is greater than 100.

Sort Transactions: You may Sort the Transactions that are shown on the grid, by clicking any column heading. Clicking the same column heading a 2nd time will cause the grid to be Sorted by that column in Descending Order.
IMPORTANT NOTE: A Transaction Credit or Debit may not exceed $9 million.