The Business Search Directory allows you to sell advertising on your website, or purchase ads from other members.

Sell Advertising On Your Website:
  • Choose any Monthly Rate that you want to charge.
  • Add an iFrame to your website, which allows prospective advertisers to submit their ad.
  • When an Advertiser Submits a Purchase Request, you can Approve or Disapprove their ad.
  • If you Approve an Advertiser's ad, it will be immediately displayed in the iFrame that you added to your website.
  • After you Approve their ad, the Advertiser cannot change their Ad Image, or the URL that it links to.
  • You may Disapprove an ad at any time. For example, if the Advertiser does not renew a monthly ad, you can seek a new advertiser.

Advertise On Another Member's Website:
  • Click an iFrame on a member's website which says 'Place your ad here', and your admin page will be displayed.
  • You will then see the Monthly Rate that the member charges for their ad space.
  • You can upload an Ad Image, and select the URL that is used to display a website when your ad is clicked.
  • When you Submit a Purchase Request, an email is sent to the website owner, allowing them to Approve or Disapprove your ad.
  • If the website owner Approves your ad, it will be immediately displayed in the iFrame on their website.
  • You may Disable an ad at any time; if you want to change the Ad Image, or the URL that it links to.

You may communicate directly with the other party, using the Send Message tab on their public profile.