Find Email Addresses, using the Business Search Directory

Your free membership at the Business Search Directory allows you to extract the following information from any webpage:
  • Email Addresses
  • Social Network Links
  • All Other URL Links

The following instructions describe how to use this feature (Google Chrome is recommended):
  1. Login at the Business Search Directory.
  2. Click the tab on your Administration page labeled Find Email Addresses.
  3. On a separate browser tab (other than the one that Business Search Directory is on), navigate to any webpage.
  4. Click the right mouse button over a section that is not an image, and select View page source.
    If View frame source is shown, select that instead.
  5. Press [Ctrl+A] to select all the source code, and [Ctrl+C] to copy it to the clipboard.
  6. Return to the browser tab that contains the Business Search Directory.
  7. Click in the textarea (which initially contains an example of source code), and press [Ctrl+V] to paste the source code that you copied from the other webpage.
  8. Beneath the textarea, click the button labeled [Find Email Addresses, Social Network Links, and Other URL Links].

The extracted links will then be displayed beneath the textarea. You can click any email address to send an email to that address, or click a URL link to display that webpage.