Contact Manager at the Business Search Directory and Real Estate Agent Directory

Members of the Business Search Directory and Real Estate Agent Directory may extract the following Contact Information from Google Search Results:
  • Company Name
  • Street Address
  • Phone Number

You may enter a Google Query and Location, which are used to retrieve Google Search Results. Our program will then extract the fields that are listed above.

Here are a few ideas how you can use the Contact information, with the Notes that are described below:
  • Sales Leads: If you search for "Real Estate" in "Los Angeles", you can contact Realtors in that area.
  • Project Management: If you search for "Contractors" in "New York", you can plan your next Manhattan skyscraper.
  • Price Comparison: If you search for "Appliance Repair" in your area, you can find someone to fix your washer.

You may Sort the Contacts by any field, by clicking on a column heading. Clicking the same column heading a 2nd time will sort the Contacts in descending order.

Add Notes: You may add Notes to any Contact:
  1. Click on the row for any Contact.
  2. Beneath the Contacts grid, enter Notes into the Notes textbox.
  3. Click [Save Notes].

Delete Contact: Click on the row for any Contact to display the [Delete Contact] button.

Search Contacts: You may search the Contacts, by entering criteria into the textbox above any of the column headings. You may enter complete or partial matches. For example, if you entered software in the textbox above the Name heading, and Blvd in the textbox above the Address heading, then Contacts would be shown if they have Software in their Name, and Blvd in their Address. The search is not case-sensitive, so you can enter the criteria in either upper or lower case characters.

After you enter criteria, there are two ways that you can begin the search:
  • Press [Enter] while the cursor is in any criteria textbox, or
  • Click [Perform Search].

Clicking [Clear All Criteria] will remove all text from the criteria textboxes, and all the Contacts will then be displayed.